Common Substance of Art, Science, and Dreams

1 min read

“There is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) Powerful and infinite are human dreams. This metaphysical world of ideas is probably the most enduring and exists beyond limited technical possibilities, natural catastrophes, and human crises. I’ve recently seen a commercial, where falling water drops were used as a projection surface. Using the 3D technology, motion capture, stroboscope, and good camera rig the team of artists, designers and scientists achieved an amazing result: 3D animation with water: Interestingly, the idea is not new. Some years ago, at Frankfurt Book-Fair (which is also one of the most important media summits worldwide)…...

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Vlad Alex Vladimir Alexeev works as a Digital Experience Specialist at logistic corporation DB Schenker: his focus is mainly on Digital Transformation. Digital Customer Experience, Employee Experience, Social Listening, IoT, Blockchain, AI and other New Tech topics belong to his terrain. He is also writing a thesis about Historical Avant-Garde: Dadaism, Surrealism, Futurism is his area of expertise as well. He is driven by his affinity for transmedial storytelling, viral marketing, ARGs and mixed reality. In his articles, he examines the interconnectedness of all these topics. Speaking Russian, German and Japanese, he sees himself at home #everywhere, without any borders and geopolitical boundaries. He blogs and twitters privately as @Merzmensch as well. At DDI he writes as a private person.

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